Israeli Early Cinema

In memory of Jospeh Halachmi (1933-2019), Founder & Film historian

המלצת היום

Who'S who of vicrorian cinema

'The movies' arrived in 1895 and had reached almost every corner of the globe by the end of 1896. At the close of the nineteenth century 'the cinema' was firmly established as a medium of entertainment, instruction and experiment, making fortunes and reputations and changing the way that people looked on their world.

This book records the lives of the people who made this happen. One may find here not only the inventors and the first film-makers, but also the subjects of those first films (actors, sportsmen, politicians); and the opportunists, eccentrics, propagandists and crooks who adopted the new medium with enthusiasm.

From Thomas Edison, inventor, to Eugène Pirou, pornographer; and from Alice Guy, director, to James Corbett, boxer - over 250 key figures worldwide are entertainingly documented in an authoritative reference work.

The book is edited by Stephen Herbert and Luke McKernan.

23 contributors. With introduction, technical essay and list of motion picture devices. 178pp.

Buy the book at a discount: Originally £40. Now is available from The Projection Box for only £8.99 (plus £2.00 p&p).


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UK orders: £8.99 plus £2.00 p&p

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Rest of world: enquire for price and shipping charges.

E-mail Stephen Herbert at s-Herbert [at] (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for details of ordering.